Mashpee Director of the Department of Public Works Catherine E. Laurent and Gabrielle Belfit, senior environmental scientist with Tighe & Bond Engineers, presented plans to remediate stormwater to the select
Willowbend Country Club and the Mashpee Planning Board discussed possible changes to the proposed Cranberry Point development last Wednesday, January 17, in hopes of finally pushing the project forward.
Mashpee Select Board member David W. Weeden asked for a bylaw that would distribute cut hardwood to members of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. The question arose at the board’s meeting
The Community Preservation Committee questioned the legality of using Community Preservation Act funds to install a new prefabricated metal storage facility at Heritage Park.
The Mashpee Affordable Housing Trust on Monday, December 4, voted unanimously to approve an additional $7,000 to purchase a parcel on Cyprus Circle to develop affordable housing.