Emergency we had to change in this structure and so far in my hospital there are more than 100 beds just for positive cases waiting near morning and weve got to close all this good rule in order to a larger they tend to care unit where risky or tory i need a daughter to take here oakdale younger population of course with regard to rape all difficult lation this is not seasonable and we are trying to use noninvasive or its peter torry technique just get can i get on to the respiratory techniques youre a few weeks ahead of us here in britain i understand or see over here were appealing in britain for manufacturers to come out with ventilators i understand the use of ventilators is something youve been particularly wary of you have to be careful clinically about the use of ventilators yes we need to of 2 to identify the patient what got us all to need to survive using them to date on that one but that will not because i were experiences that. Whenever you need that information with mechan
The i. M. F. Is like bailing out half the world over there i made a good job themselves of it because theyve become somebody in this world you know the i. M. F. From from being almost completely marginalized and worthless well back about 100 years ago we had this notion of communism and socialism and the workers would gain all the power and the workers would gain all the wealth but now weve discovered that nobody actually has to work theres no work anymore and we find out when everybodys quarantined because nothings being made right there is and still like the economy their stock markets are floating up higher and higher and everything seems ok right now but now everybody has discovered the magic of the Printing Press and this is the danger of here its like well they could just print out money like what was all that stuff about with greece why were they forcing austerity on them when apparently they have a trillion dollars like how does the i. M. F. Which cant produce wealth right they
You know if theres one homeless person in the street its a bit. You shouldnt have a civil. Society in which people have to sleep on the street or big i mean thats just. Government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem. And will be our 1st priority usually donnellys presuppose there will be no compromise. To. The point. That lee really felt was important to get across when youre talking about cause and effect is priorities if nobodys making money on it i eat its not a commodity then it has no value and it shouldnt it isnt a priority of the federal government so housing that was just from about people that was not a commodity that was just a bad living up to the responsibilities of the federal government to ensure people have a clean d. C. From place to live thats not important anymore thats not i value. Your term for walker bush William Jefferson clinton who saw the water bush dishonest live ragusa and obama do solemnly swear i told john truong do you solemnly swe
Reveal a moral bankruptcy of capitalism we talked to the president of the u. K. Faculty of Public Health use that phrase to characterize the response to a previous epidemic as the tory government stands accused even by a tory media of lethal incompetence disinfo nation and lies and will coronavirus destroy Sleepy Joe Biden as john says of beating donald trump while the antibodies stand as democrats establishment threatens to risk their lives rather than put spode in tomorrows wisconsin primary we trace how todays politics is shaped from beyond the biosphere and how novembers election could be determined by an ancient american see a little more coming up in todays going underground but 1st after the u. S. A medically supported by the Russian Military slammed Boris Johnsons response to the corona virus pandemic britain faces the prospect of millions now infected because the Prime Ministers aborted herd immunity policy for more lets go straight to the former president of the u. K. Faculty
The way theyve been behaving here rather depending on fear or ists rather than seeing what works in other parts of the world im guessing on enduring yes and following the advice of the director general of the w. H. O. To test test test and then act on the testing on social media certainly weve seen pictures of chinese medics dressed in their personal protective equipment what do you make of warnings of disciplinary action now being given to National Health Service Staff if they dare to talk to the media about their lack of equipment is there any clinical reason for the British Government or n. H. S. England to be giving such warnings the problem we interface is that the failure to be open and transparent and test and share the data with the public coupled with a really poll communication strategy means that theres a failure of trust. We dont have trust between the public and the governments ironically what were going to finish up with is law repressive and possibly totalitarian measure