special series on afghanistan. nine years into the war, is there light at the end of this tunnel? and damage done. this disclosure is not just an attack on american foreign policy interests. it is an attack on the international community. we zero in on policy and personalities exposed by wikileaks. a special roundtable, with former ambassador to afghanistan, zalmay khalizad. sakena yacoobi, a woman s right activist, and abc s george will. and, the sunday funnies. in all likelihood, there were gay americans serving at valley forge. evan bayh, expressing surprise, at reproductive disadvantages, gay people have been around for hundreds of years. hello again. back in 1993, the top military brass testified before congress, that homosexuality was incompatible with military service. at senate hearings this week, none of the military leaders testified that to be the case. 75% of americans approve of gays serving openly in the military. and in the pentagon survey o