Reading list for the pot
Daily dose: Newspapers and magazines are often picked up for reading in the toilet - ISTOCK.COM
Daily dose: Newspapers and magazines are often picked up for reading in the toilet - ISTOCK.COM×
Reading in the loo flipping through anything, really appears to help the locomotion Has the phone killed the loo-reading habit? Research shows that the opposite holds true Among the classics of light toilet reading or toilet literature are
Uncle John’s 4-Ply Bathroom Reader and several volumes of
Passing Time in the Loo Does toilet lit, by definition, have to be “light”? There are those who would like to differ, Henry Miller being one
Answers to Bay Area readers questions on Prop. 19, Medicare surcharge, RMDs
Assembly member Kevin Mullin, D-San Mateo, helped put the Proposition 19 property tax measure on the ballot.Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press
Today I have answers to reader questions on Proposition 19, the November ballot measure that changed many property tax rules; the Medicare premium surcharge; and required minimum distributions from retirement plans.
Q: I’m 55 and buying a home in San Francisco, which closes Jan. 11, and will sell my Sunnyvale property in spring next year. Do you know if I would qualify for Prop. 19 if I hold off selling until April 1? I haven’t been able to reach anyone who can give me advice.