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UMA to host in-person art exhibition around ‘Outbreak’ theme The Outbreak Project at UMA is scheduled to open Tuesday and run through April 30, featuring 14 artists.
Patricia Brace rehearses inside her performance space Wednesday at The Charles Danforth Gallery at the University of Maine at Augusta.
Joe Phelan/Kennebec Journal
AUGUSTA As they walk into The Charles Danforth Gallery at the University of Maine at Augusta, visitors are greeted by a large, wooden box resembling a room.
The box is 12 feet wide, 8 feet tall and enclosed on all sides but one, where a performer or visitor can enter Patricia Brace’s artwork during the gallery’s exhibition, “The Outbreak Project at UMA,” premiering Tuesday.
Hybrid 2021 Plunkett Maine Poetry Festival presents visual, literary arts Sat, 04/03/2021 - 1:00pm
Baron Wormser. (Photo courtesy University of Maine at Augusta)
“This past year has been challenging,” said the University of Maine in Augusta, in a news release. “We have been quarantining, masking, ‘pivoting,’ rising up, breaking down, and just trying to keep it together.”
To mark the events of this moment, the annual Plunkett Maine Poetry Festival will break out of its usual format, Friday, April 30, to celebrate the University of Maine at Augusta’s (UMA) 2020-2021 academic theme of “Outbreak,” a topic inclusive of viral outbreaks, outbreaks of social justice, and outbreaks of creativity.
University of Maine at Augusta
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The Outbreak Project exhibition, the fine arts component of the wider collaborative Outbreak Project and Plunkett Poetry Festival, explores this year’s academic theme “Outbreak” through the visual arts and will be on display Tuesday, April 6, through Friday, April 30, at the Charles Danforth Gallery at the University of Maine at Augusta. The exhibition, selected by a jury of art leaders drawn from community arts organizations and the University of Maine System, draws from works submitted through an open submission process for the show.
The exhibition will circulate, conceptually and physically, around an installation and performance work by Maine artist and UMA lecturer Patricia Brace. Brace’s work, “Stage” will be a constructed plywood cubic space installed within the recessed center of the Danforth Gallery. With audiovisual equipment installed above, performance artists will choreograph and perform live-streamed dance-bas