Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren inaugurated the Patratu Lake Resort Complex, a well-equipped and well-maintained Paryatan Vihar (VIP Guest House) to tourists coming to the state.
Ranchi: The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) team on Sunday raided a flat in Lajpat Nagar of Pundag OP area and arrested two criminals belonging to the Bhola | BLiTZ
It is major break thorugh against crime in the State, taking action, Jharkhand Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) has arrested two hardcore criminals of Bhola Pandey gang on Sunday.
The ATS team raided the Pundag OP area of the capital and arrested Patratu resident Subhash Kumar Singh alias Bagha
Ranchi: Under the chairmanship of Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, a meeting was held through video conferencing regarding the | BLiTZ
Nature has given many beautiful gifts to Jharkhand. This state is known for its mineral wealth. Apart from this, the natural beauty, captivating and charming valleys and religious places have also been the centre of attraction here. The tourist places here should be even more beautiful. Here the