The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC), has domesticated the Patients’ Bill of Rights (PBoR) at the University of Abuja Teaching
on freedom, that we haveeedom. your vote parents a patients bill of rights and you have a say in your kid s education. a question from a she called herself a mama bear that she had gone to the school boardd gh meeting because poor daughterugw was being left behind.ast behi you know, when she getnds called and she gets called a terrorist. we a terrorist, we want you to have a say in that. and then how do we hold this government accountable? mentthere is no check and balano right now, but we ll be able tog bring that. we hav ie a plan. tacked i i know the president attacked wt it last i guess he wants to attack. because much of his policies created this problems and he has no plao n. you but we do. and that s our commitment to you. if you trust president , join with president. there is nent has to attack because there s no there s no they can point that he can point to the worst inflation in 40 years, the highest gas prices we ve ever paidinyears,,. we now set a record of illega
Medicaid expansion is back on the table in North Carolina. A couple of primary election recounts are underway in Asheville. Legislation known as the Parents' Bill of Rights is heading to a vote in the North Carolina House.
The nursing home industry has spent millions lobbying Congress since 2010. But in Ohio, only facilities can improve wages or conditions, advocates say.