Our ban. We are not only taking everything from the environment but a real giving Something Back to the environment. In germany meanwhile Organic Farming remains a niche market why is it still not mainstream is seacom an example for other countries to follow. The authorities and see come are strict conventionally farmed fruits and vegetables are forbidden so theyre being destroyed. Smugglers were looking to sell this produce at a market in gun talk the state capital the smugglers were caught by pusong tamang
whos employed by the government as a food control officer. So we are doing something good for our or our. Thats why we start feel sad because we are giving examples for the whole world this is not good for hell this is not good for environment so we are destroying all this things. Fresh produce is destroyed on a regular basis and succumb with its policy the Regional Government is taking a firm stance against global Farming Practices that rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pes
eating it s all down to the harvest is often not all that often given the infestation we re seeing here it s not looking promising to get. the switch to organic farming is a time consuming process and calls for a lot of patience crops and soil need to adjust after years of conventional farming . my hope for his experiment with rate seed has cost him 25 percent of his usual yield next year he ll go back to spraying his crops with conventional farming crop losses aren t factored into the business model. in order to maximize profits farmers need to be an organized and unanimous group. it s german farmers day and despite the annual conference of the german farmers association. the event demonstrates how much of farming in germany works it s a large scale industry led by risk adverse interest groups. the
like to try new things out and as a beekeeper i want to see if doing without pesticides is a bad. option open it s the i thought. it s all down to the harvest often at all that often given the infestation we re seeing here it s not looking promising. to switch to organic farming is a time consuming process and calls for a lot of patience crops and soil need to adjust after years of conventional farming . my whole force experiment with rape seed has cost him 25 percent of his usual yield next year he ll go back to spraying his crops with conventional farming crop losses aren t factored into the business model. in order to maximize profits farmers need to be an organized and unanimous group. it s german farmers day in the spot in the annual conference of the german farmers association