About 60 Rohingya were arrested, for illegally leaving Rakhine State, in a forest, in Ayeyarwady Region’s Pathein Township on 7 April, according to a police officer from the Pathein Township police station.
The NUG Ministry of Health announced that bookings could be made at https://nwayooclinic.com, the website of Nway Oo Clinic where people could get access to medical treatment and contribute to the revolution fund at the same time. Reportedly, their service will start on 21 March.
The NUG Ministry of Health announced that bookings could be made at https://nwayooclinic.com, the website of Nway Oo Clinic where people could get access to medical treatment and contribute to the revolution fund at the same time. Reportedly, their service will start on 21 March.
At least six prisoners escaped from Myoma Police Station, in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwady Region, at around 1 am on 1 March and one of the escaped prisoners was a murderer, according to a source close to the police community.