Known as the King of Bollywood, Badshah, King Khan, and most recently, Pathaan, Shah Rukh Khan has ruled over the Indian film industry for almost 30 years. Famous for his endearing dimples and signature wide-stretched arms, his charm is hard to resist and his expressive eyes tug at heartstrings one doesn’t even know exist.
Hrithik Roshan, who also delivered a blockbuster hit with Siddharth Anand, has now reviewed the director’s latest release Pathaan starring Shah Rukh Khan.
Pathaan Movie Review 2023 : Pathaan Critics Rating 4.5/5. PATHAAN is the story of a passionate agent working for the country. In 2019, after the government of India revoked Article 370, an enraged Pakistan general Qadir (Manish Wadhwa) decides to take revenge. He signs a contract with Jim (John Abraham), a dreaded terrorist who has an extreme enmity towards.