Nearly 6000 votes. 234 pages of sworn affidavits in michigan alone allege egregious conduct by poll work e. Allegations of fraud. Real questions that need to be asked. We kneeled integrity in your election system. John roberts is live at the white house. Jon jon i think they filed the receipt count petition, thats in wisconsin. Theyre filing for a recount in two counties, with the biggest votes as well, Milwaukee County and dane. Theres about 800 thousand votes, the basis, illegally altered absentee ballots, the Trump Campaign illegally issued, absentee ballots and Wisconsin Voter id laws. The two counties that they are filing this petition is are the county where the most voting irregularities were. Margin for victory for joe biden is about 20 thousand votes. Trump campaign hoping they can find 20,000 to make up the difference. The campaign set side 3 million to pay for it. In georgia the audit of votes expected to be completed by 11 59 tonight. The georgia has found in floyd county 2
Milwaukee county including the city of milwaukee including detain county, including the capital of madison. 69 in favor of joe biden. As you see there illegally altered absentee ballots is the claim. Illegally issued absentee ballots and illegal advice from the government officials regarding Wisconsin Voter the id laws. Margin of victory for biden is 20 thousand votes. Trump Campaign Setting aside 3 million to pay for this. Biden campaign saying the official canvas results reaffirm joe bidens clear voltes. Cherry picked and selected recounting will not change the results. Lets get you to georgia. The ahhed of votes is scheduled to be completed at 11 59. First of all in floyd county we reported this a couple days ago, more than 2600 votes that had not been counted were found that nets 800 votes in favor of President Trump. Fayette county 2755 votes, netting 449 for President Trump. And walton county, this just in, 284 votes, netting another 17. Speaker2 for President Trump. The extra ba