i ve obviously he knows that part of the world really. well i think that he enjoys being unpredictable, i think he probably enjoys having tweaked us for the last number of days, thinking that something big was going to come, and then watching us get all worked up, and then showing oh i didn t do what you thought i was gonna do, i m not so easily categorized. that doesn t mean that something big can t happen, or doesn t have to have to happen on victory day for him to decide that he s going to escalate, or in some way make this war even more deadly and devastating and it s already been. so, we get worked out about the holiday, but it s days after the holiday that we should probably be thinking back. ambassador taylor, peter bigger wants to hear, from you and that means so do i. alicia, peter, it s great to be able to talk to you. i think peter s right, i think peter s right. president putin had to pat options, people were debating whether he d choose one of the other, that is doub