Jan 20, 2021
The Alpha Tau chapter (WV) of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators held its January meeting via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by President Diane Bowers.
The Thought for the Day, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”, was read by Chaplain Kathy Griffith. Roll call was taken and minutes were approved as read by secretary Velda Icard. Treasurer Fran Jones gave the financial report and discussed the progress of the Ways and Means projects. No committee reports were given.
West Virginia State President Pat Hardin was the special guest. She discussed upcoming events at the district, state and regional levels.
NEW CUMBERLAND The Alpha Tau Chapter (W.Va.) of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators held its January meeting through Zoom. The meeting was called to order by President Diane Bowers.
The thought for the day, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” was read by Chaplain Kathy Griffith. Roll call was taken, and minutes were approved as presented by Secretary Velda Icard. Treasurer Fran Jones gave the financial report and discussed the progress of the ways and means projects. No committee reports were given.
West Virginia President Pat Hardin was the special guest. She discussed upcoming events at the district, state and regional levels.