take on attacks on christianity is dead on and your movie killing jesus was deadon. delaware. bill, your dialogue with laura about how catholic leaders are not willing to defend the faith was superb. you re definitely on track with this. jeff, perth, australia mr. o reilly, good luck getting our spineless leadership to defend christianity. pastor doug webster, california. i do speak out, but i do not fight using condemnation or con desengs, jesus would not. the nazarene was confrontation at times, pastor. he wasn t afraid. by the way the movie killing jesus where you ll see jesus being confrontation will be shown here on the fox news channel friday evening at good friday, and again on eastern sunday atd 8:00 p.m. eastern time. bloomington, illinois. o reilly, you eloquently said what many of us are thinking about the lack of trust we have in president obama. has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin. david monroe michigan. bill, you said martin luther