Pope Francis, the imperfect reform 05/03/2021 at 2:00 AM Posted by Kevin Edward White
By Andrea Gagliarducci, Monday Vatican, April 23, 2021
Without an announcement in the official bulletin,
Pope Francis has made a small reform that could have a significant impact: he included, among the members of the three new dicasteries created as such, laypeople and monsignors alongside cardinals and archbishops. It is a small thing, since also before there were lay members in some of the dicasteries. However, it can have some meaning.
According to
the proper members of a Congregation are cardinals and bishops.” And this while admitting that “
according to the peculiar nature of some dicasteries, clerics and other faithful can be included with cardinals and bishops.” The Pastor Bonus also stresses that members “are taken from among the cardinals living in Rome or outside the city, to whom are added some bishops, especially diocesan ones, insofar as they have special exp
February 22, 2021
CWN Editor s Note: In November 2014, Pope Francis appointed Cardinal Robert Sarah to a five-year term as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. In accord with the apostolic constitution Pastor Bonus, Cardinal Sarah submitted his resignation in June 2020, when he turned 75. Pope Francis has not named a successor.
The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.
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