These words of Jesus have offered many a way of meeting death in peace. Once again, the first of the followers of Jesus on this path was the martyr Stephen.
How then has the Body of Christ in America allowed a defeated Satan to capture this nation, we are ruled by Satan and not God, and we have become a dwelling place of demons and you ignore what Satan is doing as he is stealing this nation, corrupting our culture and destroying our seed and you are si
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (of the truth)………….” (Hosea 4:6a American citizens are being destroyed today because we do not know our Founding Documents (The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights) and the Word of God!!! We do not even know the bare facts
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German pastor and theologian caught in the maelstrom that was Nazi Germany. After receiving his doctor of theology