they saw what was going on in the curtain was pulled back on curriculum. and they realized, you know, there was a lot of things i don t agree with. regardless of your politics, republican and democrat, independent, some of this isn t right. tucker: that s for sure. and what is certainly not right indisputable is the attitude with which school boards, teachers, teachers unions responded to parents. the idea was hey, shut up, it is not your business what we are teaching your kids. on all the time you have worked on this have you come across anybody in these positions, teachers, administrators union head, has been open-minded, talk to you and had a real doll dialogue with you or an entire dismissal? look i m from loudoun county and the school board has been a disgrace. we had a passing one school board member when they brought in a new individual peer that have more town holes in any onen the school board. i think parents, the frustration had come from not being able to
unlawful and we will sue swiftly. house minority leader kevin mccarthy says the rules are needed because the system is being abused. watch. everybody wants to be able to protect somebody really has a challenge when it comes to asylum. what is happening today is individuals are coming from other countries, passing one, two, three other countries and never claiming asylum. we found throughout own court system. when you claim asylum you do get to be in court. 80% of those do not hold up. there are other ways to do it. melissa: democrat say it appears to be discriminatory against migrants from central america. watch this. take a look at his latest announcement, which i presume is anchored and dripping with xenophobia. donald trump is undermining united states law. i think that is something that the american people will reject. melissa: emily, let me ask you real quick, from a legal
easy balancing act. i appreciate the role that nikki haley plays, and i m concerned for her when she leaves. i hope we have somebody with that level of strength and resoluteness about it. there are children dying in yemen, and it should break all of their hearts. lisa: obviously come with the objective of the senate and congress is to try and put pressure on president trump to change his perspective in the wy that he s working with saudi arabia. but will it work you? melissa: i don t know, i don t even give them that. i have so little respect for what they are doing. this set up there and vote on a nonbinding resolution quest in markets like the u.n. passing one of these resolutions that has no teeth in it. so you stand up a new hoot and holler, and then you do there is nothing backing it up at all. if they really want to make a difference, they should do something else. to me, it s such a hollow action it just reminds me of so much that congress does. totally hollow, out there
out gay bashing or trying to offend a group. it is just funny. ever since bugs bunny pops out of the rabbit hole and kissing elmer fud on the mouth. you can t legislate it away. we have to close things out with a questioned bile story. with a bedtime story. hat maker vincent brimble prospered in the town of hattington. never flashy, he only made the classic bowler. then suddenly the day s trend became preposterously tall. his raymond james financial advisor reminded him that focusing on the long term is always fashionable. the fad was indeed a passing one. his patience paid off, allowing him to one-day hang up his hat with confidence.
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