the way. but if you re all running the operation, nobody can fire a teacher? no, ms. haygood has full authority over the the evaluation of teachers. so the b.r.i.c.k. avon academy, you just took this over. this has been a troubled school. 38% of the students in 2009 passed language arts. 14% passed math. now, compare that to 82.5% passing language arts and 71.8% statewide passing math. so you re definitely going into a situation where something has got to change in this school. that s correct. something does have to change and our motto is that if we empower the practitioners in our classroom to be the best that they can be, we will start to see a difference in the school. when teachers feel like they have ownership in the school and the mission, we will start to see a change. for example, ms. perry lewis, in just a weeks time, once she heard the mission of b.r.i.c.k., enfeudsing her into the school community she he s gone full