are strong as they should be and they are going to get much stronger, we will not let these people back in. [applause] it s time for congress to adopt a pro-american immigration agenda. every member of congress should be asked where they stand on these issues. blocking funds to sanctuary o cities. i don t want to give sanctuary cities money. passing kate s law to put repeat offenders behind bars for a long period of time. increasing the number of ice officers who are fantastic and border patrol officers so we can dismantle vile criminal gangs like, as i a said, ms-13, animals.
[cheers and applause] and because our borders now are strong as they should be and they are going to get much stronger, we will not let these people back in. [applause] it s time for congress to adopt a pro-american immigration agenda. every member of congress should be asked where they stand on these issues. blocking funds to sanctuary cities. i don t want to give sanctuary cities money. passing kate s law to put repeat offenders behind bars for a long period of time. increasing the number of ice officers who are fantastic and border patrol officers so we can dismantle vile
officials in jail, saying that we ll throw jimmy o neill in jail and manhattan and brooklyn d.a.s? sandra: someone who committed a crime. it s time for this country to get its head on straight and you go back to the words of the acting ice director. things are backwards right now. something has to be done. will this legislation that is being introduced, will it gain any popularity? no. i hope republicans act on enforcing our immigration policies, increasing our policies against illegal immigrants. like kate s law. sanctuary cities. republicans have the majority and it is time to start acting like it. i really do think republicans are in the right on those issues. president trump ran as the law enforcement candidate. that s what americans want. i think democrats continue to side with illegal immigrants over american citizens and that s will be to their
kate s law and sanctuary city law legislation that has already been passed by the house. mitch mcconnell hasn t brought that legislation up for a vote. i would like to see him bring that up for the vote and get republicans on record on the issue and also get democrats on the record on the issue. you remember ralph north am running for governor elect of virginia, a democrat. switched his stance on the issue of sanctuary cities. i would like to see senators like joe these senators running for reelection in states that president trump won by double digits. i want to see them get on the record. do they stand with steinle s killer or with her? bill: when you look at this legislation, the congressman said politicians don t get to pick and choose what laws to comply with. americans are dying because politicians sworn to uphold the law refuse to do so. he is calling it the stopping lawless actions of politicians
cities that don t cooperate fully with federal immigration enforcement. but as you know, peter, it s one thing to get it passed in the house, it s another thing to overcome a 60 vote filibuster margin in the senate. something like kate s law had been proposed before and didn t succeed in the senate. and the prospects of both of these legislations passing in the senate this time around also seem kind of dim. this is what they were hoping to be talking about some twitter distractions, pete williams, thank you. coming up, state level governors from both sides of the aisle lead the fight in helping derail the senate healthcare bill. rhode island s governor joins me next. it s live here on andrea mitchell reports only on msnbc.