Goods, but ive actually got a steel plant right in the middle of seattle that makes the best rebar, the cleanest rebar point in the whole world i think. Under the criminal of the Commerce Department, but we will monitor that. Another time ill talk to you about drug prices. Happy to. Glad to see you here. Thank you. All right. Mr. Brady. Thank you, mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing. You know, trade is economic freedom. Its the ability to buy and sell, compete around the world with a as little government interference as possible, and what it means is that when that mom walks into a Grocery Store or that College Student goes online, the choices they see and the prices they pay are determined by them rather than some government somewhere. And so the work youre doing, ambassador, is just critical and results not just in new jobs here in america, but in new choices and families being able to stretch their pocketbook farther. So this has a real impact on our families. Thats why i hope ou