Over the weekend several news outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Reuters and the Washington Post reported that Cyber Security Intrusions were detected across the globe. The Cyber Incident appears to be the result of hackers who are believed to be working for foreign governments. These Cyber Criminals were…
Since the onset of Covid-19 online retailers have seen double and triple digit increases in online sales. Many retails share that monthly online sales numbers are rivaling that of holiday sales of the pasts. The increase in online sales has also increased the number of unauthorized use of a credit…
In 2019 it has been estimated that Cyber related crimes costs businesses over $2 Trillion dollars globally. It is really hard to pinpoint an exact cost on Cyber Crimes committed annually because only 10-12% of Cyber Crimes are reported to authorities. Since Cyber Crimes are so profitable it is understandable…
Recently Cyber Criminals attacked and demanded ransom from the popular GPS maker Garmin. Garmin issued a statement sharing that a Cyber Attack took many of Garmin’s computer systems offline causing several online subscription services to be unavailable. Garmin does not believe the attackers were able to obtain any customer data,…
OT systems are a critical piece of the US economy, Electrical Power Grids, Manufacturing Facilities, Water Supply, Food Production, plus much more. Some of the latest advancements in OT technologies take advantage of converged infrastructures allowing businesses to take advantage of operational efficiencies thus improving profitability. In today’s environment OT…