Welcome to bbc news. There have been more israeli Air Strikes on southern beirut, after the israeli military warned people there to leave their homes. These are live pictures overlooking beirut where our bbc teams have reported hearing another strike in the south of the city. These are the live images. This would be the third strike in that area so far today. So lets cross over to Anna Foster in beirut now. Kasia, thanks. We have seen and heard as he sat there numerous strikes in beirut in the last few hours today. I was crossing the city and in the mountains upside earlier on today and we sought fresh plumes of dark smoke from new Air Strikes that had happened in the city around the southern suburbs. There was a strike visible earlier with the plume of smoke from the area near the airport earlier. We have had warnings for people to leave their homes in beirut, parts of beirut, but not for 14 hours now, it was last night when the idf last issued warnings. The last strikes have not come
Die schiitische Hisbollah kontrolliert ganze Stadtteile Beiruts und andere wichtige Gebiete des Libanon. Jetzt kamen bei Zusammenstößen mit sunnitischen Anwohnern mindestens fünf Menschen ums Leben.