if he liked you toxicity. for most people around you saw if he hated you toxicity. the report also detailed efforts by the governor ffs staff to smear at least one of his accusers. toward in a prerecorded statement governor cuomo denied he ever touched anyone inappropriately and released photos of himself embracing and kissing other people to demonstrate his behavior was unremarkable. hours later new york state assembly speaker announced, quote, it is abundantly clear to me the governor has lost the confidence of the aassembly democratic majority, that he can no longer remain in office. once we receive all relevant documents from the attorney general we ll move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigations. and also the d.a. asking for those documents as partp of an ongoing criminal investigation. and most democrats calling for him to resign including and
dare to challenge him. they don t even speak out about anything he says, no matter how aggressive it might be. let s look at mark sanford. he did. and he became the latest casualty in the fight for the future of the gop last night. he lost his race. senator bob corker is fed up withhose who refuse to stand up for the president. listen to what he sa we re in a strange place. i mean, it s almost, you know, it s becoming a cultish thing, isn t it? it s not a good place for any partp with a cult-like situation as it relates to to a president that happens to be of purportedly of the same party. now, it s interesting. there, candid, rdirect to the p. speaking truth to power. also not running again. and that seems to be a common theme. if you want to stay in, you stay away from going after the pred. we have ana naand jason miller. let s take care of easy
shannon: feels like a change. they certainly feel that way. shannon: thank you for digging into this. good to see you. ireland s prime minister says catholic hospitals must perform announcement comes just weeksfter the voters decided to repeal the country s eighth amendment which protected the rits of unborn s. there is lislation in the works which would reportedly aw individual doctors or nurses to opt out based on religious ictions but not institutions as a whole. up next, we ll hear from a conservative who calls herself a never trump or until the resistance came to town. what does she think now about senator bob corker s warning for his fellow republicans? it s not a good place for any partp with a cul situation as it relates to apree purportedly of the same party. .