/PRNewswire/ Jennifer Donelan, a heart attack survivor and nationally recognized advocate, will serve as keynote speaker for the fifth annual Cardiovascular.
/PRNewswire/ Jennifer Donelan, a heart attack survivor and nationally recognized advocate, will serve as keynote speaker for the fifth annual Cardiovascular.
As a patient, how am I supposed to feel good about switching drugs knowing the one I’m being switched to is not the one my doctor recommends nor the one which the clinical evidence suggests is best for my specific condition? That a corporation whom I did not contract with can essentially practice medicine without license over me against the direct medical advice of my doctor has come as quite a shock. Its legality and the lack of consumer protections to prevent patient harm is astonishing.
The company's move to drop Eliquis comes as the insurer's PBM increasingly removes drugs from its formulary, excluding 433 products in 2022, up from 417 the year before.