Time from the house of commons in london. Prime minister teresa macon democratted yesterdays terror attack in new york city before she answered questions about allegationses of Sexual Assault and harassment in the u. K. Parliament and she discussed her countrys role in offering assistance to muellers russia investigation after documents were published suggesting a britishbased maltese professor may have acted as a contact between the russians and george papadopolo umbingsmbing. Embers across the house will have been appalled by last night cowardly terrorist attack in new york. Our thoughts are with all those affected and we stand united with the people of new york. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, mims on both side ours thoughts are with all thos affected westminster. My right honorable friend the leader of the house has been meeting with counterparts in hopeful all sides can Work Together quickly to resolve this. I have written to all Party Leaders inviting them to meeting early next week so
Morning on cspan2. We invite your participation by twitter using hashtag pmq. Members are finishing up other business. Live to the floor of the british house of commons. Can i just encourage to continue this have more exchanges with the administration so we can now get dreamers on how the common framework should be . I agree with the honorable friend, having deep engagements with union and university in wales and that will continue. I hold writer discussions with the first minister as well as local authorities, representatives and third sector organizations on matters relating to the uk leaving the European Union. A question from the member of glasco, number 13, i think im right in saying. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Following the last joint committee on eu negotiations between the wales, scottish and uk governments, at a great set of principles regarding areas with eu law were published. Can the ministers please get this house and update of what tangible actions the uk governt has underta
Of the scottish market. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. Dennis skinner. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i know members across the house will have been appalled by last night cowardly terrorist attack in new york. Our thoughts are with all those affected and we stand united with the people of new york. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, mims on both sides of the house have been deeply concerned about allegations of the treatment in westminster. My right honorable friend the leader of the house has been meeting with counterparts in hopeful all sides can Work Together quickly to resolve this. I have written to all Party Leaders inviting them to meeting early next week so we can discuss a common transparent independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addi
City and russias intervention in the u. S. Election. I know that members across the house are appalled by last nights cowardly terrorist attack in new york. Members on both sides of the house have been deeply concerned about allegations of harassment and mistreatment here in westminster. That is why my honorable friend, the leader of the house, has been meeting with her counterparts. Ive written to all Party Leaders inviting them to a meeting early next week so we can discuss a common, transparent, independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure that everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings. I shall have further such meetings later today. Dennis skinner. Theres been some very powerful Research Done on the question of high speed rail. What he says is that in the leafy suburbs of the south, the first 140 miles, 30 of it has been dedicated to tunnelling to avoid knockin
Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i know members across the house will have been appalled by last night cowardly terrorist attack in new york. Our thoughts are with all those affected and we stand united with the people of new york. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, mims on both sides of the house have been deeply concerned about allegations of the treatment in westminster. My right honorable friend the leader of the house has been meeting with counterparts in hopeful all sides can Work Together quickly to resolve this. I have written to all Party Leaders inviting them to meeting early next week so we can discuss a common transparent independent grievance procedure for all those working in parliament. We have a duty to ensure everyone coming here to contribute to public life is treated with respect. Here, here. Mr. Speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. Dennis ski