and rogan was talking about before writing was introduced, the skill of memorization for humans was super high because you had to memorize everything! but once you have the ability to write it down, that is technology. you don t need it anymore. so we are evolving to cyborg destiny part man, part machine. we have this. it is not nature against not an attack on nature but this is our nature and we should embrace it. harold: judge? judge jeanine: i don t know who greg was talking about. greg: because you are on your phone! judge jeanine: why am i on my phone? i want to show a picture that my girlfriend fouled the gps. went over the cliff in the back wheels were on the road. it literally come with the gps took her to the edge of the cliff. she crawled out of the back door! she was afraid to go out the front door. greg: a sexist word as it does this normally happen to
With the year almost over, it s time to look back and highlight some favorites from the world of movies. Our writer Ethan Anderton used to publish his list
interconnected for the most part machine. it s impossible to protect every node but we have known since that 2013 attack state, federal, industry leaders have taken steps to protect critical nodes. but there remain substayings in particular we can t protect infinitely unfortunately. i remember a similar response both after the oklahoma city bombing and after 9/11 where you had steps taken across the country to secure federal buildings and government buildings and talking about thousands of them. it s hard to prioritize when you have thousands of these. given your experience and a look at the threat across the country, is this a situation where communities have to secure power stations with, for instance, walls around them that could stop gunfire like this or is that going too far? it s not going too far but we have to be selective about it. there are particular substations