to the school s cafeteria. reporter: on the day he rolls out his blueprint, president obama chose parkville middle in baltimore county as the backdrop. right now, this school, parkville is preparing our kids for the jobs and careers of the 21st century. it s a school that nurtures what students are passionate about. reporter: the president sees the school as a perfect example of what other schools should focus on to compete in a global economy. the school s principal couldn t be more pleased. it means that the students need to work hard, you can make it in life. that s the message we send, we need to be prepared for high school and we need to work hard and the message shows that. reporter: the students say that the president inspired them to work hard and stay focused. i m interested to see what the budget does. i m really, i like science. it was a great experience to see the president. reporter: students say it was incredible. there was something about presid