Password is typekit 2023. Please raise your hand when Public Comment is called for the item you are interested in speaking to. For those persons calling in to submit their testimony, you need to call area code 415 a6550001 and enter access code. 26606777732 and press pound twice. Youll then need to wait for the item youre interested in speaking to and for Public Comment to be announced. To comment you need to enter star three to raise your hand once youve raised your hand, youll hear a prompt stating that you have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you. When you hear that your line has been unmuted, that is your indication to begin speaking. Best practices are to call from a quiet location and please mute the volume on your television or computer for those persons attending in person in city hall, please line up on the screen side of the room or to your right. Please speak clearly and slowly and if you care to state your name for the record
Good afternoon. This meeting will come to order. Welcome to the october 23 meeting of the land use and Transportation Committee of the San Francisco board of sfr supervisor. Im supervisor melgar joined by voice chair dean preston and board of supervisor president aaron peskin. The Committee Clerk today is john carroll. I like to acknowledge the folks at sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes. Thank you madam chair. Please insure you silence cell phone and Electronic Devices you have. Any documents to be included you should submit them to me and items acted on today are expected to appear on the board of pr visor agenda of october 24, 2023. Please call item 1. Ordinance amending the planning code to change the phroneing controls in the castro street neighborhood commercial district to exclude article 10, land mark buildings from use size limitation and allow night Time Entertainment with conditional use authorization on the second floor. Affirm
Comment is called for the item you are interested in speaking to. For those persons calling in to submit their testimony, you need to call area code 415 a6550001 and enter access code. 26606777732 and press pound twice. Youll then need to wait for the item youre interested in speaking to and for Public Comment to be announced. To comment you need to enter star three to raise your hand once youve raised your hand, youll hear a prompt stating that you have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you. When you hear that your line has been unmuted, that is your indication to begin speaking. Best practices are to call from a quiet location and please mute the volume on your television or computer for those persons attending in person in city hall, please line up on the screen side of the room or to your right. Please speak clearly and slowly and if you care to state your name for the record. Finally, ill ask that we all silence any mobile devices tha
And members of the board and members of the public could i want to start out by recognizing some of our employees and a couple other quick items for you. First i like to ask don ellison to come forward and recognize a long Time Training spreadable of ours whos decided to retire after mere 39 years of service. Good afternoon. Director nolan and fellow directors good its my honor today to recognize a gentleman that was for this agency for over 39 years. That is paul peterson. He was a superintendent of operator training along with him is a manager of operator training kim anderson. They were together for six years and operator training but much longer within the agency. All began his career as an operator in march 1977. In 1983, he was promoted to transit supervisor in Central Control and then later to operations. In january 20,000 2000 he was superintendent of operator training. Paul petersons 39 years and four months in operator training is marked by core value of supporting people and
Or Unfinished Business by Board Members. Members of the board are we good . Item 7, directors report good after chairman nolan and members of the board and members of the public could i want to start out by recognizing some of our employees and a couple other quick items for you. First i like to ask don ellison to come forward and recognize a long Time Training spreadable of ours whos decided to retire after mere 39 years of service. Good afternoon. Director nolan and fellow directors good its my honor today to recognize a gentleman that was for this agency for over 39 years. That is paul peterson. He was a superintendent of operator training along with him is a manager of operator training kim anderson. They were together for six years and operator training but much longer within the agency. All began his career as an operator in march 1977. In 1983, he was promoted to transit supervisor in Central Control and then later to operations. In january 20,000 2000 he was superintendent of o