Operators. Is that another flaw in the mtcs formula . Or. Yeah. Evaluation. It is actually identified as you go back to the sight here as a high, performer. Oh, gene v, so right now, we are planning what is going to be much more dense, population. And we are not necessarily by having a huge impact on the current rider ship but we know that it is going to be dramatic in the future, and the mtcs evaluation, and capture what is going to be done in the future . Rather thatn what the current positions are . They do look at the benefit that is based on projected in the area of 2013, for the area and so it is based on the last times and assumptions which i believe is probably likely to be lower than what were currently anticipated and the issue or one of the issues is that the model issues of a lot of the cost is related to safety improvements and the complete that go along. And so it is a little bit of extra cost that is not reflected in the benefit cost assessments. The other issue with tha
President omotalde x item on the agenda clerk quick announcement at the use of cell phones pagers is on producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised the chairman made order the removal of the minimum any person responsible for use of cell phone pager or other similar sound producing Electronic Devices. Note to the public, theres an opportunity for Public Comment both after each item and in general Public Comment for items not on the agenda. There are a limited number of speaking cards at the table. You may complete a speaking card and handed to me and i will pass it on to the president for you to be called up. You do not need to complete a speaker card to speak during Public Comment and you may also speak anonymously. So, if we do run out of speaker cards, dont worry. Youll still be able to speak during Public Comment. With that item to approval of minutes of march 22, 2016 commission on the environment regular meeting from these predatory documents ar
3016. Today is election day and the polls will be open until 8 pm. In your neighborhoods as well as 8 pm at city hall. Mdm. Clerk, please call the roll clerk thank you. Supervisor avalos , here. President breed , here. Supervisor campos , here. [adjournment], here. Supervisor farrell , here. Supervisor kim pier, here. Supervisor mar , here. Supervisor peskin , here. Clerk supervisor tang , present. Supervisor wiener , present. Supervisor yee , present. Clerk you have a quorum all members are present president breed please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] prident breed all right. Mdm. Clerk any Communications Clerk none to report mdm. Pres. President breed any changes to the april 26 or may third 2016 Board Meeting minutes . Seeing none, is a motion to approve those minutes . Moved and seconded. Colleagues, can we take that without objection . Without objection those Meeting Minutes will pass after Public Comments. [gavel] president breed please lead lead the
Individual was the way that individual becomes on suspended or how does that work with i think thats on todays agenda. Next agenda meeting. Thats correct. Brian larkin is seeking reappointment buddies unable to attend the meeting today. So, consideration of his reappointment will be considered next. Is that a function of the suspension requires reappointment . Correct. Okay. Colleagues any further questions . Thank you very much it will open this up to Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on item number two . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] do we file or continue this im . Just next item next item mr. Clerk item 35 comprise the consent calendar these items are contained considered routine can staff is not prepared to resent. Any items may be removed and considered separately colleagues any questions or comment on the consent items . Seeing none, anyone wishing to comment on items three, four, five on the consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel]