HAMPTON – The Royal Society Bridge Club has inducted political candidates, sports stars and Nobel Prize winners, but not until this January did they claim a POTUS.
The member in question, Joe Biden, raised his right hand inside a packed Widow Fletcher’s Tavern in December 2007 while campaigning for president, still a U.S. senator. He repeated the words of the Royal Society Bridge Club (RSBC) oath in a crowded bar room as read by tavern owner Parker Ryan.
“I pledge to my comrades that I will never use my membership to influence parking lot attendants, superior court judges or voters whose IQ nearly equals their age, Biden said before being inducted into the prestigious drinking club.
Humble ISD students build tiny homes for veterans experiencing homelessness
HUMBLE, Texas – Humble Independent School District students are hammering out better futures for area veterans. Some students at Kingwood Park High School and Summer Creek High School are building tiny homes for homeless heroes and it’s not just an act of kindness, it’s also being used as a teaching tool.
Tuesday morning, U.S. Air Force Veteran Jeffrey Jacobs toured his future home that’s currently under construction at Kingwood Park High school.
“Service is the heart of our school and this project just symbolizes all of that,” said Principal of Kingwood Park High School, Lisa Drabing.