Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday said the Anand Marriage Act that seeks to give statutory recognition to a marriage in the Sikh community will be implemented in true letter and spirit. Mann said this after offering prayers at Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib here on the occasion of 553rd birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev. He said several states like Haryana, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi have already implemented the Anand Marriage Act, but Punjab has lagged behind despite a notification in this regard was issued in 2016. India News | Anand Marriage Act to Be Implemented in Letter and Spirit: Punjab CM Mann.
Even as traditional and religious fervour was a part of a nagar kirtan that was taken out in the city on Saturday ahead of the 552nd Parkash Purb of Guru Nanak falling on November 9, shades of technology too could be noted in the event.
With an aim to facilitate the pilgrims visiting Sultanpur Lodhi on the occasion of 553th Parkash Purb of Guru Nanak Dev, Deputy Commissioner Kapurthala, Vishesh Sarangal has ordered the administration to ensure adequate arrangements of security, drinking water, smooth transportation, deployment of f
The SGPC has decided to set up a portrait of Rai Bular Bhatti, a 15th century Muslim landlord of undivided Punjab and disciple of Guru Nanak Dev, at Central Sikh Museum in the Golden Temple complex on October 15.