AAP's chief ministerial face Bhagwant Mann on Saturday filed his nomination papers from the Dhuri assembly segment, saying he expects that people of this constituency will ensure victory for him with the biggest margin in Punjab. Mann was accompanied by his mother during the filing of nomination papers. It is the time for writing history for the Dhuri assembly segment, Mann
Punjab Polls 2022: AAP s CM face Bhagwant Mann files nomination from Dhuri - Voting for Punjab s 117 assembly seats will be held on February 20 and the counting of votes will take place on March 10
In Bhagwant Mann's electoral victories in the 2014 and 2019 parliamentary elections, he secured substantial leads in the Dhuri segment. No doubt this influenced AAP's decision to field him from this constituency in the upcoming assembly polls.
Two-time Member of Parliament and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief ministerial candidate Bhagwant Mann will be contesting from Dhuri in the February 20 polls in Punjab.The announcement was made by state affairs co in-charge Raghav Chadha in Mohali .