New boy group BLIT, formed by seven former “Boys Planet” contestants, has changed their team name to EVNNE! On August 9, the group’s agency Jellyfish Entertainment announced that they had discovered a hidden negative connotation in the previously announced name BLIT and had decided to change the group’s name to prevent any potential misinterpretation in
Former “Boys Planet” contestants will be debuting together in a group managed by Jellyfish Entertainment! Previously, it was reported that WAKEONE and Yuehua Entertainment trainees were in talks to debut together under a new group managed by Jellyfish Entertainment. On August 3, it was confirmed that Park Han Bin, Lee Jeong Hyeon, Mun Jung Hyun,
What would you do to survive in a post-apocalyptic world where everything has been reduced to ruins save for a single apartment building? “Concrete Utopia” is a film that lays bare some of the more uncomfortable truths about the dark side of human nature under extreme circumstances.