Staring off the biannual Seoul Fashion Week on Thursday were runway shows that touched on the themes of reverence for heritage and personality. Designer Park So-young, who goes by Sooy Park, delivered a powerful 24-minute catwalk that featured worn-out shirts and monotone suits, which the womenswear designer brought back to life, a reinterpretation of the old while reaching for timeless aesthetic sophistication. Over.
The bi-annual Seoul Fashion Week will open Thursday with 21 local fashion designer brands and 68 local fashion brands showing their collections at two venues: Dongdaemun Design Plaza and SFactory. The five-day event, which kicks off a month earlier than last year, is aimed at linking as many foreign buyers to local brands seeking a global presence, according to the Seoul Metropolitan Government. A total of 101 foreig.
Seoul Fashion Week, Korea s biggest biannual fashion show, will kick off its five-day run next week to showcase 33 Korean fashion houses that range from established to up-and-coming, officials said Thursday.