The Advantages You Get From Urban Gardening
The first thing that comes into people s minds whenever they hear the words urban and gardening would be a garden in the middle of an urban city. Seven times out of ten, would they think that having a decorated yard in such a busy area would be a ludicrous idea. Still, urban gardening is already in bloom as one of the most popular quarantining trends for the year 2021, and for many good reasons that range from decoration to food security and so much more.
Urban gardening is not exactly a new concept, as it dates back to as early as Ancient Egypt when people utilized disposed materials in helping to feed urban farming that existed in its time. It even became a response to food shortages during crises such as wars for example, fifty hectares of land were tilled for food throughout the Netherlands in 1942. The Hunger Winter also affected the Dutch, or Mad Tuesday in September 1944 when starving inhabitants dug up potatoes despite