Disaster Services Corporation Deploying to Eastern Kentucky with Parish Recovery Assistance Centers
News Provided By May 19, 2021, 19:06 GMT
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DSC supporting state responses to flood events in Kentucky, and determined the best way to aid local efforts is to focus on immediate and emergent needs. LOUISVILLE, KY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, May 19, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ Kentucky experienced a record-breaking flooding event this past year. Heavy rains caused major flood events in Eastern Kentucky, a region that has suffered three floods in less than a 12-month period. There was a total of 49 counties that issued disaster declarations. The storm event produced 4-7 inches of rain across a wide stretch of the state that pushed the rivers to levels not witnessed in decades. The Red River overflowed from its banks and rose past 8.5 feet above the flood stage. The Kentucky river also overflowed over 11.5 feet above the flood stag