my point is that president biden is there because he was elected and he may well be not elected in three years time. that is the way the us system works. what the world has seen with the trump administration and his decision to withdraw entirely from the paris process is that, in the united states, you cannot assume that a position taken by a leader will be consistently maintained. you simply cannot assume that. actually, steve, on this particular issue, at this moment, yes, you can. this may be. what, you re abandoning democracy? this may be the most important thing i share with you today. it is not evident to everybody, but the reality is that what is happening in the united states now is happening happening in the united states now, what is happening on a global basis is bigger than any prime minister or any president or any current administration. trillions of dollars an hour
Many of the past phenomena are surrounded by mystery, but none of them excites such amount of imagination as Knights Templar. The Templar name itself still inspires imagination, as some of the most interesting legends of Christendom are associated with Templars. From their gathering and modest beginnings in the Middle East, to their tragic end and the dissolution of the order in Paris.
Überhöhte Ausgaben der Wiederwahl-Kampagne von Nicolas Sarkozy sollen 2012 vertuscht worden seien. Nun spricht ein Pariser Gericht ein Urteil. Die Verteidigung fordert Freispruch, die Anklage eine Haftstrafe.
Frankreichs Ex-Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy ist wegen illegaler Wahlkampffinanzierung zu einem Jahr Haft verurteilt worden. Das Gericht in Paris entschied am.