Hayatou To Visit Song
After the timely intervention of the State and the huge turn-out of fans prior to his evacuation, it is the turn of the president of the confederation of African football to declare he will pay Song a visit in hospital in France as a friend and president of African football. Before Hayatou, Song’s cousin, Alexandre issued a statement on the family’s behalf expressing gratitude for the concern showed by govern and Cameroonian people over his cousin’s cerebral attack.Lire aussi : Cameroun-Algérie: Un nouveau souffle
It would be recalled Rigobert song suffered a cerebral attack last Sunday and was evacuated to France where he was operated upon and is convalescing despite rumours that had circulated claiming his was dead. He is at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris.Lire aussi : Prise en charge: Visite aux patients d’Orca