Mylee Anderson’s dedication to being a helping hand in the community as a Girl Scout in Troop 3735 has earned her the Gold Award for her 80-hour community service project
Paris High School senior Harrison England earned the rank of Eagle Scout with the Boys Scouts of America earlier in the year, and recently participated in a Court of Honor ceremony via video conference with a Scout troop in Austin.
Harrison moved with his family to Paris the summer before his junior year in high school, and he completed merit badge requirements during the âyear of Covid-19â when Scouts everywhere worked online and attended virtual meetings.
Harrisonâs scouting journey began in 2009 when he joined Cub Scouts in first grade as a Tiger Cub in Austin, and for the past 12 years, he has hiked over 100 miles, camped for 50 nights including nights that fell below freezing and others that were 100-plus degrees, cooked over open fires, learned to sail, ride horseback, kayak, white water rafted and learned countless life skills including Wilderness First Aid and CPR training, according to information presented at his Court of Honor.