Actor Sunny Hinduja, who garnered a lot of appreciation for his role of Sandeep Bhaiya in 'TVF Aspirants', has got a spin-off series of his own. The actor will be seen in a new web series titled 'Sandeep Bhaiya', which will have eight .
Inspired by his character in TVF Aspirants which became a talking point for both audiences and critics, makers decided to bring out an all-new series based on the same. Sandeep Bhaiya is expected to be about the background of Sandeep s character, highlighting his journey over the years.Spea
Mumbai, June 23 (IANS) Actor Sunny Hinduja, who garnered a lot of appreciation for his role of Sandeep Bhaiya in 'TVF Aspirants', has got a spin-off series of
Sunny Hinduja, who basked praises for his role in TVF Aspirants is gearing up for the release of the spinoff of his character titled Sandeep Bhaiya . The new web series will premiere soon.