Pushing him. Richard mur dock was the more shocking one. He was smart and you would think he would be a good one and he turns around talking about a pregnancy and the case of rape being a gift from god after the aikin thing. As just a political comenitator i argue with both points and that is why you should never run me for any office. That is why one thing i think tea partyers and i say that about people who were not involved in politics but are getting involved you have to learn these are different skills of being a politician and running for office. You can see it with democrats having a lot of good politicians and i dont mean about their ideas just in political skills and i would recommend to you and you may laugh but i am right. Joe biden, dick durbin, mcconnell is good politically and they know how to say things in a way that attracts voters. The job of a commenitator is we are trying to change peoples mind. A politician has to take the voters like they are and win their vote. Ai
Something we want to talk about and that we want you to return to read and learn from as we have about whether it is we face now. And we do in this country face an extraordinary structure that has done the things that were so upsetting. One example referred to by all of us, democracy in those days was a word that was akin to a chaotic, disorganized, messy, negative, negative, negative. We lived in a bizarre reversal. Now it is the holy of holies. We celebrated democracy the way we celebrate cowboys in the old days. A complete fantasy, a makeup so that we can indulge this desire as an economist i keep saying this and i know some of you have heard it from me before. We go to work. We spend five out of seven days a week and when we go to work we enter a place in a capitalist society that is the absolute opposite of democracy. A tiny group of people, major shareholders and boards of directors make all the decisions thousands of employees not to speak of the communities where they work have
There is an old saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I can promise you, the road all around washington d. C. , paved with that same material. People here claiming that they will help you by controlling your life. The difference in philosophy between conservatives and progressives is our ideas are based on those principles that we can see made this country strong in great, created the best life that has ever been created for humankind. It never was perfect. You can always find problems, but there has never been a nation like the United States of america. And we have done more not only to improve our own lives but peoples lives all over the country and the world. Our ideas of free market and enterprise are doing more than lift people out of poverty than any Government Program of the world. You can look at the statistics around the world. Our own index of Economic Freedom is keeping track of which countries are doing their right things to lift themselves up. And you
A country. Its just a little matter of who gets to live here and vote. We are told as if its good news that immigrants take welfare at only 15 above the native rate. Only . Thats like saying good news, only 15 of the food has rat in there. We want no immigrants on welfare paid if we are bringing in people who immediately need assistance from the taxpayers and that by definition immigrants we dont want . Its madness. We cant pay for our own poor people. Whose money is going to pay for the poor of the world . I think we ought to be caring about our fellow americans more. The republicans have always been the party that defends black people particularly those in segregationist policies of the democrats. We have not been getting a lot of love back recently but i dont think thats any reason not to do the right thing here. Africanamericans are hurt the most by lowwage labor pouring into the country because study after study, Jesse Jackson used to be on the border trying to block immigrants fr
His were rebellious times where the echoes hung in the air. Common people who fought privatization and enclosure of land and found themselves executed and incarcerated en masse because they demanded a natural born right to the comments. Paine apprenticed, a professor took off as womens lives, not just our waists, were being shrunk from robust vital things, equal participants in life to child readers, in closed domestic objects. At least women of a certain class. In 1757, paine went to see the king of prussia as sailors and pirates protested impressment, forced labor, Forest Service in the military. Paine stood up against impressment and the rights of men. Avoid ship as a story and has taught us, he wouldve served with people from all over the world including africans, irish and blacks from the caribbean. He would have participated or at least witnessed their grumbling and perhaps their rebellions on board ships. He certainly was aware of their rebellions against the british throughout