University of the Sunshine Coast
A USC Australia academic who worked as a paramedic in London for 10 years after the 2005 terrorist bombings is now researching the coping strategies of people in the profession.
Lecturer in Paramedic Science Matt Warren-James, who researches at USC’s Thompson Institute, said the mental wellbeing of paramedics was an under-researched area despite the inherent stresses of the job.
“This study aims to find out about the wellbeing and coping of paramedics in Australia and internationally so we can better understand their specific needs and inform changes in work environments,” he said.
The project is led by Professor of Clinical Psychology Helen Stallman, renowned for suicide prevention research at the Thompson Institute, with USC Paramedicine colleagues Senior Lecturer Dr Lisa Clegg and Lecturer Chantal Perera, and Griffith University’s Dr Natalie Dodd.