An aptakami s wishes are fulfilled through apta, Cosmic grace. Taking shelter in satya, supreme truth, is the only way for progress. Rishis reached the supreme abode of truth, Param Purush.
This very adjustment, this very balance, brings about benediction to society and the individual entity is also benefited. The absence of this balance disturbs one s spiritual practice too. As a result, our individual progress is hampered. Not only this, retardation too starts taking place.
By Shri Shri Anandamurti There are four main forms of consciousness – the waking state, the dream state, the deep sleep state, and turiya, the state of absorption of the self into Pure Consciousness. Actually,.
In his Parthasarathi role, Krishn said that although everything in this world is sweet, people have to taste that supreme sweetness through severity, harshness, struggle and bitterness. Struggle in life is inevitable.
Param Purush, the divine ultimate reality, cannot be thought of or seen in the external world as he is achinta and beyond intellectual comprehension. However, devotees believe that he has granted humans with intellect, wisdom, and intelligence out of his love for them. Devotees state that if Param Purush could be understood through intellectual reasoning, there would be no desire to attain him.