The Haryana Police Special Task Force (STF) arrested one more person in connection with the murder of BJP leader Sukhbir Khatana here, police said. He has been identified as Deepak, a resident of Buapur village in the Sector 65 area, and a close aide of gangster Vikram alias Papla Gujjar, they said. It is the 10th arrest in the murder case, a senior officer of the STF said.
The STF has arrested Joginder Khatana, a property dealer and younger brother of Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) leader Rohtash Khatana, in connection with the murder of local BJP leader Sukhbir Khatana alias Sukhi, police here said on Thursday.
A man was arrested by a special task force (STF) in Gurgaon for killing a local BJP leader for having a love marriage with his sister, police said on Friday.
The special task force (STF) have nabbed the main accused in the murder of local BJP leader Sukhbir Khatana alias Sukhi, who was former deputy vice president of Sohna Market Committee. Sukhi was gunned down on September 1 at a showroom, located on Gurudwara Road near Sadar Bazaar in broad daylight.