Agartala (Tripura), March 2: The ruling BJP was leading in 26 seats, the CPI(M) in 12, Congress 6, and Tipra Motha Party in 11 seats, as per the latest trends in the ongoing counting of votes for the Tripura Assembly on Thursday. According to the latest data shared by the Election Commission at 10.45 am, Congress candidate from Agartala, Sudip Roy Barman, was leading BJP’s Papia Dutta by 3,668 votes. Tripura BJP president and the party’s candidate from Banamalipur constituency, […]
Counting of votes for the 60 seats began at 8 am amid tight security. The polling was held on February 16. A total of 89.98 per cent of 28.12 lakh voters exercised their franchise.
Tripura elections: The ruling BJP in Tripura was leading in 29 seats, while the opposition Left-Congress alliance was ahead in 17 seats as counting of votes was underway on Thursday for the assembly elections
Counting of votes is underway in the three northeastern states of Nagaland, Meghalaya and Tripura. BJP is heading towards majority in Tripura and Nagaland while CM Sangma is leading in Meghalaya.