Realme GT 2 Pro can be expected to launch in India soon. The handset has reportedly bagged certification from the Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), hinting at its imminent launch in the Indian market. The smartphone was unveiled in China this week alongside the Realme GT 2.
Realme has made the GT2 Pro and its vanilla sibling the GT2 official in China today (January 4, 2022). They both come with the latest Realme UI 3.0 based on Android 12, 50MP rear cameras and options of "Paper Master Tech Design" editions, although the GT2 Pro is the only one with a new Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC and an E5 AMOLED display. The series has been released to the Chinese market thus far, although the OEM asserts an international launch is forthcoming.
Realme GT 2 series has finally been announced in China after a long wait, and the shining star is the GT 2 Pro powered by the powerful Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor. The phones were revealed on January 4 in a keynote by the Chinese giant, and the flagship GT 2 Pro is amongst the […]