there is a union vote. that is important for obama s re-election in states like ohio. for obama to play indicate that constituency, it is going to help the economy which he needs to do better. she in a catch 22 there. and signing a popular book, i believe. from winng two to feeling blue, are sinking polls taking a toll? well it is a report about a report. it must be true. president obama is depressed. he says the new york times is checking into whether barack has the blues bad. the paper doesn t comment on stories it may or may not be work ofght let s not forget gawkers as reliable as my cousin sal who stole the banana seat off my shaw win in 1989. sal died of mono in 1989. 1997 actually. but could it be true? we are told by a source inside the times that the paper is preparing a story arguing that obama no longer finds joy in