Actor Sanjay Dutt, who is of late busy promoting his upcoming film 'KGF: Chapter 2', dropped a picture from his workout session. The actor has been making waves for playing 'Adheera' in the upcoming Kannada period action-drama flick. The actor has been spending hours sweating in out the gym.
From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations Photos: Find out the latest pictures, still from movies, of From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations on ETimes Photogallery. Including From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations Portifolio, From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations Awards, From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations Movie stills, From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations Personal Photos, From road trip, sunset pictures to meals with Papa Dukes , inside Trishala Dutt s birthday celebrations Profile Pictures and more