An open letter by cervical cancer tech startups, Amplexd Therapeutics, Ananya Health, and Mission-Driven Tech, call for the innovation, research, and investment.
The Global HPV testing and Pap Test Market was valued at US$ 2.2 Bn in 2021 and is expected to reach US$ 15 Bn by 2032, finds Future Market Insights (FMI) in a recent market survey. As per the findings of the report, Pap Testing will remain pivotal for the market as the bulk of revenue will be generated through this.
be the first for women and it will change how we practice medicine in this field. it is interesting it is coming in to look at the gene component. you may or may not need the patch smear. why change? why is this better? as david mentioned, this is a h an exciting shore talking about the gene that work for you, personalized medicine. another example is this, because i can tell if someones has the most aggressive kind of hpv virus that is more likely to cause cancer or you could have a more latent strain and i can tell you we could just watch it. the problem is, i don t think we can throw out patch patch tests yet. the american cancer society is saying use the pap testing every