While many companies focus on “career development,” very few highlight how best to effectively communicate in the workplace. Here are some best practices for women.
While many companies focus on “career development,” very few highlight how best to effectively communicate in the workplace. Here are some best practices for women.
According to experts at the Pantone Color Institute, the color that will define 2024 is "Peach Fuzz." Here's how to incorporate the color into your home.
If you want a gentle, easy-to-live with color for this upcoming year, Pantone offers up “Peach Fuzz.” It’s a lovely, soft, tender tint, not quite pink and not quite orange. Online, the color is vibrant, due in part to the screen being lit from behind, but the color should be familiar for gardeners. The annual flower impatiens come in a coral or peach color that softly warms the lower edges of flower beds. “Peach Fuzz” is a light tint of that color.